Monday 29 September 2008

Introduction :)

Hey so this is my first post on my new fashion blog. I've been reading fashion blogs for about a year now and finally feel like it's time to start my own one! I intend to do some outfit posts here, muse about what my favourite celebs are wearing, and generally talk about fashion. I'm in sixth year at school atm so things are pretty hectic already, what with advanced highers, committees organisations prefect duties etc so realistically I will probably post about twice a week, perhaps more or less occasionally, depending on how busy I am with other things.

I don't really feel like I have a signature style or anything yet, I usually stick to the same sort of things though. My typical outfit would be skinny jeans, my battered but beloved gold ballet pumps, pearls, and a vintage scarf (i have tons that my mum gave me a few years ago which I wear constantly).

Today I went to see The Duchess with my friend and I wore : aforementioned gold pumps, white tee, purple cardi, and a gorgeous American Eagle navy skirt (bought from their website with a birthday gift voucher) with a lacy petticoat underneath I got from my local vintage shop for £1.50 specifically to wear with the AE skirt as it is a bit see-through haha!

I really like vintage clothes but I don't have that many yet; I hope to buy some more soon. There's a great vintage shop near where I live that I hope to buy my prom dress from. I'd rather get something from there that's one-off instead of the same old Coast dress that 20 girls have in the same lilac, pink or blue!

I really enjoyed The Duchess ; the costumes were beautiful and I loved the little ribbon Keira Knightley wore around her neck, tied with a flower, at one point. I'd like to maybe work in the costume departments of movies when I grow up, period dramas in particular as I really like history.
Here is a link to a cool page about the costumes in the film :

Well I guess this was a sort of nothingy post, but I just wanted to make a first post. Over the next few days I'll do some more work to get it started properly! XxX

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