Friday 17 October 2008

Hello! I am aware I haven't really been giving this blog my full attention recently, and I do apologise. It's the October Week so I've been off school all week, which means going out with friends and spending far far too much money and doing none of my holiday homework so far,even though I have piles and piles of it :)
Today we went for tapas and then back to my friends house where we watched 27 Dresses, which I really liked. And yesterday i went into town with my mum for shopping, and we saw Brideshead Revisited, though I'll talk about that in another post, I want to spend time talkign about the costumes and everything. The day before that (oh dear my memory is soo bad!) oh yes, I went into town with friends and we went to see Stone of Destiny, which I would say was just average, and then we went to Starbucks. My main problem was with the film was the main character's Scottish accent, or lack of it. It quite annoys me they could not cast a Scottish actor to play a Scottish character, but I won't get all nationalisty on you, as I'm not usually patriotic or anything.
Anyway, the day before that I went to Pollok Park with my dad, and it was soo pretty. The leaves were such gorgeous colours, I really love autumn!
I've been wearing my AE skirt like a lot, today I wore it for tapas with a little pink primark shrug I bought ages and ages ago but have never worn before. I've also been wearing my new black skirt from primark I think I mentioned in another post. And I bought a stripy top in H+M the day I was in town with my mum, so I've been planning lots of outfits to wear with it in my head! Today my friend was saying how much she liked my skirt, and another friend said she hasn't seen me wear jeans for ages now.
I guess that's true, mainly because I feel more confident in skirts and dresses now. I can never find a good pair of jeans, and I think skirts are more flattering on me. I have 2 pairs of skinny jeans, but I never feel very confident when wearing them.
I promise to get some more pictures of my outfits from the past few days, and I will make my blog prettier, it's so boring-looking at the moment!
Urgh, i have sososo much hw to do tomorrow, having typically left it until the second-last day of the holiday to do. Ah well, what's new.
So tomorrow I will be stuck inside all morning doing my homework, but then I am going to Pollok House with my mum and my auntie in the afternoon I think, as she's just joined the National Trust lol. I'll see if I can take any sneaky pictures inside, I love looking around old houses :) And then in the evening I will do an outfit post! Ha!

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